martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

My Honduran Family

My family is awesome! My four year old sister, Genesis, is a kick in the pants, and the queen of the house! We have fun coloring together, and sometime I do her hair in braids. Technically she is my niece, but I just call her my sister. Last weekend we went to the pool which was a bunch of fun…I think I need to learn more Spanish words about the pool and pool games, to be able to explain to her what I mean when I say “Okay, now jump into the pool, don’t worry, I’ll catch you!” My mama is also very kind; a devoted evangelical Christian. She prays over me every time I eat, and is constantly making sure I’m well taken care of. She speaks some English, which is very helpful when I can’t remember a word in Spanish in the middle of a sentence J My papa is very kind, as well. He found out that I liked avocados, and he keeps buying them at the market for me. He is willing to drop anything for a half Spanglished (Spanish and English) conversation with me. Genesis’s parents live in an apartment behind our house, and often my sister Dianne comes in to chat with me. This is where I get most of my Spanish grammar lessons, and where I also in return give English lessons. It’s fun :)

Tegucigalpa is a fun city…I feel as if there are many discoveries to be made and adventures to be had there. Last weekend I went to the market with some friends; what an experience! I haven’t been taking my camera around because we’ve been told that it’s not very safe to take it with. Next time I think I should bring it with, because the scenes there are hard to describe in words. The multitudes of people, the miles and miles stretch of just venders selling clothes, food, flowers, and pirated movies. It was so much fun, and I gave into buying a pair of beautiful purple sandals. I couldn’t resist, they were only 5 dollars, and I really needed a pair of sandals for class!

And yes, the Spanish is definitely improving 100X every day…I ended up taking a 300 level culture class after not having a formal Spanish class in 3 years! But it is going well, I’m learning a lot. Things will be easier after February is over because then we will only have Spanish class 2 or 3 days a week…where now we have it 5 days a week. The development classes are also going very well, too. Kurt and Jo Ann (program directors) are great teachers and mentors. They opened up their house to us, and it just feels like home, even after only being there once!

The group is also doing well, minus a few people getting sick. Most everyone is feeling better now, though, thanks be to God! I think we are starting to get to know each other better, and we have really good discussions together. The classroom setting is always open for questions and clarifications, which I appreciate a lot.

3 comentarios:

  1. Liesje! I miss u. Especially when down in the art studio :(. I just learned how to make closed forms :D makes me think of your bird houses. Katelyn and I are thinking of doing a joint project.. It's so good to hear about how ur doing! Keep on writing! Keep in touch! :)

  2. Your family is so cute! They sound pretty wonderul, with the avacados and the prayers and everything. I can't wait to see pictures of the market!

  3. ¡¡Tu familia es tan bonita!!! Estoy sonriendo en mi corazon, me causa pensar en mi familia en Yucatán....
    ¿Sí, el mercado es tan interesante, no? Tengo celos.
